Monday, January 30, 2012

A case of the Monday's

It’s Monday. That is all I can say about that. It’s Monday and once again, I have a big case of Mom Guilt.

As a full-time working mom, I often commute to work wondering why I do it. Why do I work? It is obvious, to pay the bills, and put food on the table, but other than that, why? I would rather be home playing with the Lil’ Cupcake, baking, painting toes and fingernails, reading stories and having living room dance parties. Now that sounds like much more fun.

According to Statistics Canada, 65 per cent of women in Canada are full-time working moms and another 20 per cent are part-time working moms. I could bet you, that most of the 85 per cent of these moms feel mom guilt at some point during the week. It is difficult to leave your child with people who spend more time in the day with your child.

Most women return to work for necessity, because they enjoy their jobs or for the most part a combination of the two. I am in the latter category, I really enjoy my work and I needed to return to pay the bills. I was excited to return to work, but conflicted because I had to leave my little girl. To realize that I would only get to spend a maximum of two to two and half hours with her every night during the weekday is terrible and the one thing that plagues my thoughts every Monday. These thoughts make me wonder, and search daily, for opportunities that would allow me to work from home part-time in addition to a career that gets me out of the house.

Honestly, I need to work. I enjoy working and I enjoy my career. As much as I love my family, to be the best person I can be, I need to work. I would love to work part-time in my career and part-time in a fun job. I was once asked what my dream job was, and at the time I named it, little did I know that I would achieve that dream job by 27, I’ve been in that dream job for three years, I’ve had a child, the dream has changed.

My dream job now consists of a multitude of things. First off, the organization has to be family friendly that is a requirement. Next, it would allow lots of creativity, writing, editing and creating layouts of documents along with picking suitable graphics. I would provide strategic communications advice for a variety of audiences. I would help build and maintain a brand and enhance an image. Sometimes help plan an event for local people to attend, and create the communications materials to supplement the event. I am organized, efficient and looking for the opportunity that will allow me the freedom to be with my family and still enjoy my work.  

In the end, daycare has been a positive experience for our Lil’ Cupcake, but the mommy guilt is casting a shadow on it all. I would love for her to stay at daycare, but have the flexibility to work three or four days and have a fun part-time job that would allow me to have financial freedom and spend the day with the Lil’ Cupcake. On those days we would play, dance and paint fingernails.

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