Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why I Love Starbucks

Let's try this again, last night I had the whole post written and one slight touch of the keyboard and all was lost. So here we go again.

I love Starbucks, ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you that I will choose Starbuck over Second Cup, Good Earth and Tim Horton's. I don't drink coffee, I drink a Grande two-pump sugar free vanilla, non-fat, extra hot, Chai Latte. Yum.

While I was pregnant the unthinkable happened, for the first trimester I couldn't drink a Chai Latte. Gasp, I often thought, what is wrong with this child, but it changed. By the second trimester. I was back at Starbucks, with a baby who kicked and jumped every time I walked into a Starbucks. Now that she is out of the womb, her face lights up when we walk into a Starbucks, haha.

So why do I love Starbucks? Well let me count the ways:
1) Their Chai tastes the best.
2) Shaken Green Tea Lemonade.
3) Consistancy. No matter what Starbuck I go to, my drink ALWAYS tastes the same.
4) No matter where I am in the world, I can find a Starbucks. Whether I am in Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Kauai, Rome or Corfu, I can find a Starbucks.
5) Samples. I love how they have samples of their products, but not only product samples. They will also provide you a sample of a drink that they have if you've never had it before. Especially at Christmas.
6) Variety. I love that I can go to Starbucks and have something different, alas, I still get the good ol' standby, but if I wanted I could get something different.
7) Customer Service. The Baristas at Starbucks are always so helpful and happy. They have fantastic memories of the frequent customers. I can't count how many times, I had my drink made before I even paid for it. They knew me and knew my drink.
8) Free stuff, because my co-workers and I were such regulars, they would often provide us a free drink for someone back at the office. Love them. So thoughtful.
9) Never a mistake. And if there is, they fix it for free, no questions asked. You can even drive away and call them and they will provide you a two, if you order two, free drinks at a later time. AWESOME customer service. And last, but not least,
10) Banana Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake and Marshmellow Rice Crispie Squares. Yum

So those are only 10, I am sure I could think of more. But let's leave it at 10.

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